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Hotels, pensions and residences in Lecce and its province

Granserena Hotel Robinson Club Apulia - Marina di Ugento - Salento
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B&B, residences, camping grounds, hotels, holiday villages and houses, agritourisms, rooms to let in Apulia

The list contains a selection of hotels, pensions and residences in the towns of Lecce, Alessano, Alliste, Cannole, Casarano, Castrignano del Capo, Castro, Gagliano del Capo, Galatina, Gallipoli, Maglie, Melendugno, Minervino di Lecce, Morciano di Leuca, Nardò, Otranto, Patù, Porto Cesareo, Presicce, Salve, Santa Cesarea Terme, Specchia, Spongano, Sternatia, Taviano, Tricase, Ugento, Uggiano La Chiesa, Vernole. Choose a structure and use our services to acquire information, to contact it directly or to reserve your holiday or your business travel.
  1. Leone di Messapia Hotel & Conference
    Leone di Messapia Hotel & Conference Lecce - Prov.le Lecce - Cavallino
    :: - .itis booking
    :: Require an estimate or reserve
  2. Petraria Hotel & Resort
    Petraria Hotel & Resort Cannole - Largo Vittorio Veneto
    :: - .itis booking
    :: Require an estimate or reserve
  3. Il Tabacchificio Hotel
    Il Tabacchificio Hotel Gagliano del Capo - Via San Antonio, 33
    At the far end of the head of Salento, an example of recover of industrial architecture. This tobacco manufacture of the beginning of the 1900 has been carefully restored, maintaining all the characteristics of that time, to grant an hospitality of the higher level.
    :: Il Tabacchificio Hotel - Online booking
    :: Set the dates and check availability
  4. Hotel Hermitage
    Hotel Hermitage Galatina - S.S. 476 Km. 18,000
    A prestigious choice for the tourists who search the comforts of the modern hotellerie and likes the warm mediterranean hospitality. The hotel si situated in the heart of Salento: the famous places of touristic, historical and cultural interest can be reached in few minutes.
    :: Hotel Hermitage - Online booking
    :: Set the dates and check availability
  5. Hotel Palazzo del Corso
    Hotel Palazzo del Corso Gallipoli - Corso Roma, 145
    This luxury hotel is placed in an ancient, monumental and wonderful building aged 1800, close to the centre and surrounded by the sea. The elegant style and the accurate choice of the furniture are simply mixed and contribute to make your time here more comfortable and relaxing.
    :: Hotel Palazzo del Corso - Online booking
    :: Set the dates and check availability
  6. Dolmen Sport Resort
    Dolmen Sport Resort Minervino di Lecce - S.P. Uggiano - Località Lame
    Only few kilometers from Otranto, Santa Cesarea Terme and Alimini Lakes, the Club Hotel is ideal for sporting holidays or relaxing stays, in Summer but also in Autumn or Spring. The Resort offers the Hotel Formula and has: swimming pools, beauty center, beach, sports facilities, animation.
    :: Dolmen Sport Resort - Online booking
    :: Set the dates and check availability
  7. Conchiglia Azzurra Resort & Spa
    Conchiglia Azzurra Resort & Spa Porto Cesareo - Via dei Bacini, 1
    :: - .itis booking
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  8. Grand Hotel Mediterraneo
    Grand Hotel Mediterraneo Santa Cesarea Terme - Via Roma, 173
    Facing the main avenue of Santa Cesarea Terme, offers to its Guests a wonderful view on the coast of Salento, between Otranto and Capo di Leuca, embroidered whit cliffs falling into the limpid sea. Rooms and suites elegantly furnished, with private bathroom, TV-sat, air conditioning.
    :: Grand Hotel Mediterraneo - Online booking
    :: Set the dates and check availability
  9. Grand Hotel delle Terme
    Grand Hotel delle Terme Santa Cesarea Terme - Via Roma, 173
    The Hotel is neaby the Baths of Santa Cesarea, so it's the ideal location for wellbeing stays at the sea. Offers: restaurants with typical and national dishes, roof garden, TV room, conference room and private parking, Rooms with TV Sat, air conditioned, escursions in the Salentine Peninsula
    :: Grand Hotel delle Terme - Online booking
    :: Set the dates and check availability
  10. Esperia Palace Hotel
    Esperia Palace Hotel Ugento - Lido Marini
    :: - .itis booking
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  11. Hotel Hyencos
    Hotel Hyencos Ugento - Torre San Giovanni
    The Hyencos Hotel is located a few meters from the sea, overlooking the harbor of Torre San Giovanni. The restaurant offers a rich buffet breakfast and meals with typical dishes of Salento's cuisine. The Hotel has TV room, restaurant, bar, tavern, swimming pool, parking and a nice terrace bar overlooking the marine of Ugento.
    :: Hotel Hyencos - Online booking
    :: Set the dates and check availability
  12. L'Isola di Pazze Hotel Resort
    L'Isola di Pazze Hotel Resort Ugento - Corso Annibale, 200 - Località Torre San Giovanni
    :: - .itis booking
    :: Require an estimate or reserve
  13. La Casarana Resort & Spa
    La Casarana Resort & Spa Ugento - S.P. 193 - Lido Marini
    :: - .itis booking
    :: Require an estimate or reserve
  14. Robinson Club Apulia
    Robinson Club Apulia Ugento - Località Fontanelle
    :: - .itis booking
    :: Require an estimate or reserve
  15. Residence Costa del Salento
    Residence Costa del Salento Ugento - Via dei Tulipani - Località Lido Marini
    :: - .itis booking
    :: Require an estimate or reserve
  16. Patria Palace Hotel
    Lecce - Piazzetta G. Ricciardi, 13
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  17. Grand Hotel Tiziano e dei Congressi
    Lecce - Viale Porta d'Europa
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  18. Hotel Cristal
    Lecce - Via Marinosci, 13
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  19. Hotel President
    Lecce - Via Salandra, 6
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  20. Hotel Zenit
    Lecce - Via Adriatica, 50
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  21. Racar Residence Hotel
    Lecce - Viale Racar - Località Marina di Frigole
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  22. Hotel Cappello
    Lecce - Via Montegrappa, 4
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  23. Hotel Colibrì
    Alessano - Via Rimembranze
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  24. Hotel Al 2000
    Alliste - S.S. 274 Racale-Ugento - Località Felline
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  25. Albergo Oasi
    Casarano - Via G. da Bormida, 6
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  26. Hotel L'Approdo
    Castrignano del Capo - Via Panoramica, 1 - Località Marina di Leuca
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  27. Hotel Rizieri
    Castrignano del Capo - Via C. Colombo, 16 - S. Maria di Leuca
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  28. Locanda Alma Mater
    Castrignano del Capo - Via Milano, 28
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  29. Albergo Due Mari
    Castrignano del Capo - Via Q. Ennio, 100 - Località S. Maria di Leuca
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  30. Hotel Selenia Residence
    Castro - Litoranea per Santa Cesarea Terme - Castro Marina
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  31. Hotel Marina Residence
    Castro - Litoranea per Tricase, 170 - Castro Marina
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  32. Hotel Orsa Maggiore
    Castro - Litoranea Castro-Santa Cesarea Terme - Castro Marina
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  33. Hotel Panoramico
    Castro - Via Panoramica - Castro Marina
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  34. Hotel degli Ulivi
    Castro - Litoranea per Santa Cesarea Terme - Castro Marina
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  35. Hotel Residence Palazzo Baldi
    Galatina - Corte Baldi, 2
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  36. Grand Hotel Costa Brada
    Gallipoli - Prov. per Leuca Km. 3
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  37. Hotel Bianco
    Gallipoli - Via Ravenna, 43
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  38. Hotel Spinola
    Gallipoli - Corso Roma, 129
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  39. Hotel Florida
    Gallipoli - Litoranea Gallipoli-Santa Maria al Bagno - Località Rivabella
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  40. Hotel Rodia
    Maglie - Via Vittorio Emanuele, 19
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  41. Araba Fenice Village
    Melendugno - Località Sant'Andrea - Torre dell'Orso
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  42. Grand Hotel Araba Fenice
    Melendugno - Località Sant'Andrea - Torre dell'Orso
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  43. Hotel Thàlas Club
    Melendugno - Via degli Eucaliptus - Località Torre dell'Orso
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  44. Hotel Belvedere
    Melendugno - Via A. Volta, 37 - Località Torre dell'Orso
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  45. Residence Club I Saraceni
    Melendugno - Villaggio Torre Saracena - Marina di Melendugno
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  46. Hotel Albatros
    Morciano di Leuca - Corso Venezia - Località Marina di Torre Vado
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  47. Hotel Ristorante Paglialunga
    Nardò - Via A. Lamarmora, 105 - Località S. Maria al Bagno
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  48. Hotel degli Haethey
    Otranto - Via F. Sforza, 33
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  49. Hotel Albània
    Otranto - Via S. Francesco di Paola, 10
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  50. Hotel La Plancia
    Otranto - Via A. Sforza
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  51. Hotel Pietra Verde
    Otranto - Via P. Presbitero, 62
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  52. Hotel Rosa Antico
    Otranto - S.S. 16
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  53. Hotel Solara
    Otranto - Località Conca Specchiulla
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  54. Hotel Valle dell'Idro
    Otranto - Via G. Grasso, 4
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  55. Masseria Bandino
    Otranto - Località Bandino
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  56. Masseria Panareo
    Otranto - Litoranea Otranto-Santa Cesarea Terme - Parco di Porto Badisco
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  57. Tenuta il Gambero
    Otranto - Litoranea per Porto Badisco - Località Monaci
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  58. Residence Atenaion
    Otranto - Via Memorie, 33/34
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  59. Hotel Monte Callini
    Patù - S.P. Patù-San Gregorio
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  60. Albergo Mamma Rosa
    Patù - Via D. Alighieri, 17
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  61. Hotel Blu
    Porto Cesareo - Via dei Bacini, 5
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  62. Hotel Falli
    Porto Cesareo - Via Riviera di Ponente, 18
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  63. Albergo Lido Bacino Grande
    Porto Cesareo - Via dei Bacini
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  64. Albergo Piazza Risorgimento
    Porto Cesareo - Via Manzoni, 12
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  65. Complesso Turistico Isola Lo Scoglio
    Porto Cesareo - Piazza N. Sauro - Isola Lo Scoglio
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  66. Euro Guida Hotel
    Porto Cesareo - Via Riccione, 59/61
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  67. Hotel Mediterraneo
    Porto Cesareo - Via S. Isidoro, 119
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  68. Hotel Porto Cesareo
    Porto Cesareo - Via Monti, 140
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  69. Hotel Royal
    Porto Cesareo - Via G. Garibaldi, 122
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  70. Hotel Villa Jonica
    Porto Cesareo - S.P. Taranto-Gallipoli
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  71. Pensione Primavera
    Porto Cesareo - Via G. di Vittorio, 22
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  72. Agriclub Le Pajare
    Presicce - S.P. Presicce-Lido Marini - Località Casarana
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  73. Masseria Casina dei Cari
    Presicce - S.P. Presicce-Lido Marini
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  74. Albergo Le Voilier
    Salve - Via C. Colombo - Località Torre Pali
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  75. Arca Hotel
    Salve - Piazza Dante
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  76. Picchio Hotel
    Salve - Litoranea Leuca-Gallipoli - Località Pescoluse
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  77. Hotel Alizé
    Santa Cesarea Terme - Via P. Borsellino - Località Torre del Mito
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  78. Residenza Turistico Alberghiera Oasi d'Oriente
    Santa Cesarea Terme - Via P. Borsellino - Località Torre del Mito
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  79. Borgo Cardigliano
    Specchia - S.P. 374 Miggiano-Taurisano
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  80. Hotel Salento
    Specchia - S.P. Specchia-Miggiano
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  81. Hotel Casina Copini
    Spongano - Via S. Angelo
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  82. Grikò Country Hotel
    Sternatia - Strada per Martignano - Contrada Chicco Rizzo
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  83. Albergo Europa
    Taviano - Via Otranto, 2/4 - Marina di Mancaversa
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  84. Hotel Adriatico
    Tricase - Via Tartini, 34
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  85. Albergo La Locanda
    Tricase - Ex S.P. per Specchia - Località Lucugnano
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  86. Hotel Residence Club La Giurlita
    Ugento - Torre Mozza - Marina di Ugento
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  87. Albergo Il Veliero
    Ugento - Via Console Barbula - Località Torre San Giovanni
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  88. Albergo Parco dei Principi
    Ugento - Corso Annibale, 244 - Località Torre San Giovanni
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  89. Hotel Baia del Cigno
    Ugento - Via Lungolago Ennio-Torre San Giovanni - Marina di Ugento
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  90. Hotel Luna
    Ugento - Torre San Giovanni - Località Marina di Ugento
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  91. Albergo Masseria Gattamora
    Uggiano La Chiesa - Via Campo Sportivo, 33
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  92. Villaggio Albergo Mulino al Vento
    Uggiano La Chiesa - Via Porto Badisco
    :: Ask for information or reserve
  93. Acaya Golf Hotel & Resort
    Vernole - S.Comunale di Acaya, Km. 2 - Località Masseria San Pietro
    :: Ask for information or reserve

 Note about the lists
All the hotels, the pensions and the residences in the lists are regularly authorized by the public authorities to operate in the field of tourist reception.

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